Our staff
As Headteacher, I’m delighted to welcome you to the team. I have the greatest pleasure in spearheading this team of experienced and professional staff who provide your children, our pupils, with an outstanding education on all levels. Our pupils learn from the best – from our inspirational teachers with a genuine passion for teaching, to our staff who support these teachers and ensure that the school is safe and secure. Everyone in the team is key to ensuring that your children receive the best education in a nurturing and safe environment allowing them to learn and grow as individuals.
Beth Williams
Senior Leadership
Head of School: Mrs Williams
Assistant Head of School: Miss Morix - KS2
Assistant Head of School: Mrs Young - KS1
SENDCo: Mrs E. Jones
Staff allocations
Whilst classroom teacher allocations are normally fixed for the current academic year, due to the varying nature of classroom needs and current funding, our teaching partners do sometimes move between classes, as and when extra provision is needed. Therefore, the distribution of our teaching partners should only be used as a guide to our additional classroom support.
Reception classes
Maple Class Teacher: Mrs Crouch
Maple Teaching Partners: Mrs Evans and Mr Merrett
Year 1 classes
Rowan Class Teacher: Miss Dunning
Elm Class Teacher: Miss Parsons
Y1 Teaching Partner: Mrs Jefferies
Year 2 class
Oak Class Teacher: Miss South
Oak Teaching Partner: Mrs Owens
Year 3 classes
Beech Class Teacher: Mrs Leaver
Pine Class Teacher: Miss Oakey
Y3 Teaching Partner: Mrs M Jones
Year 4 class
Hawthorn Class Teacher: Mrs Paulet
Hawthorn Teaching Partner: Miss Partridge
Year 5 class
Holly Class Teacher: Miss Williams
Holly Teaching Partner: Mrs Smurthwaite
Year 6 classes
Birch Class Teacher: Miss Ellinor
Chestnut Class Teacher: Mrs Gaunt and Miss Morix
Sycamore Class
Sycamore Class: Mrs Crunkhurn
Specialist Teaching Partners: Miss Cross, Mrs Foster and Mrs Bryant (supply)
School specialist support staff
SENDCo: Mrs E Jones
Pastoral Support: Mrs T Jones
Parent Champion: Mrs James
School Administrator: Mrs Philip
Specialist 1:1 teaching partners: Mrs Crunckhurn, Mrs Benbow, Mrs Conner, Miss Cross, Mrs Foster, Mrs Bryant (supply)
Kitchen and dining staff
Our catering operation is contracted out. Our current catering contract is provided by Caterlink. The meals are produced on site.
Our school employed staff are:
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Benbow
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Conner
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Cross
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Crunkhurn
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Foster
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Ireland
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Jones
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Playleader: Mrs Trigg
Cleaner: Mrs Balujeva
Cleaner: Mrs Halford
Cleaner: Mrs Halliday
Cleaner: Mrs Ireland
Cleaner: Mrs Trigg